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Showing posts from June, 2018

You are here not because of your future but past.

PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE ______________________________________________________________ Saddam Leonardo Kap ________________________________________________________________________ You are here not because of your future but past.   _____________________________________________________ T he thing that I want to share is, let’s understand it by an example. Suppose you are A, and in past, u had a relationship with B. Now in present u have an amazing and lifelong relationship with C. Now what do u think at this point is, the relationship with B was lousy, it was meant to have vanished, and it was terrible. It happens well that that relationship never worked out. I am now too happy and I will not repeat that mistake. I want to throw that relationship as if I was sick of it like it was a dark era or something like the worst thing ever happened. Now let me stop this here and give you some deep insight into that relationship at that time. In present moment whatever you are, in