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You are here not because of your future but past.



Saddam Leonardo Kap

You are here not because of your future but past.  _____________________________________________________

The thing that I want to share is, let’s understand it by an example. Suppose you are A, and in past, u had a relationship with B. Now in present u have an amazing and lifelong relationship with C. Now what do u think at this point is, the relationship with B was lousy, it was meant to have vanished, and it was terrible. It happens well that that relationship never worked out. I am now too happy and I will not repeat that mistake. I want to throw that relationship as if I was sick of it like it was a dark era or something like the worst thing ever happened. Now let me stop this here and give you some deep insight into that relationship at that time.
In present moment whatever you are, in the past when you were starting, everything was new to you. In the past relationship, you too valued that relationship, also fantasized that one, had a dream to make that relationship best in the world. That person B was everything for you at that time, you share your every emotion with that person, And now in the present when that relationship didn’t work out, and you got C now you devalued your past. What if your present relationship won’t work out in the future and you again going to say the same thing for this beautiful person C. This mindset is really insane. This makes no sense even at any scale.  
It’s really so bad that you broke at once, you found you’re best and you had to leave that relationship. Nobody leaves the relationship just because they want something better than that. Its goddamn time and situation that people enforced to break some relationship. This never entitled that the previous one was bad.
In short, the best thing you can do is never devalue your relationship at any time. In other words, never say that “The time of that moment was bad and now it’s awesome because remember that this awesome time came because of that time only not because of some stupid future time”. So, the thing is that “Always respect the relationship what was made in the past, if it didn’t work out learn from that “Why it didn’t work out?”  Try to find the answer, apply it on your present moment, and make your best effort to build this relationship best. Try to fight the odds. Don’t be rude on your down moment of the past, neither cheered up too much for the ups moment you had. It's really privileged that you are good or whatever at the present moment, is only because of your past, not your future.
So, learning is important, respect your past is important, and never devalue the relationship at any moment (of time). They are the reasonable reason what you are now. Be calm, empathic, creative and love what you have because people around you, they believe on you.
In physics, you can’t know about future with certainty, because you are driving out by the past. In Quantum Mechanics you don’t predict future, you have to first measure it, and then the past tells you what the present is. There is no tomorrow if there is no yesterday. So, to understand the nature you first have to understand the time at which the things had happened, because the arrow of future is going to make by the past. Past is not irrelevant, one can easily say, future is irrelevant. It’s impossible to avoid past.

The best way to make your life good is to respect the past and learn from it. 


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