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How can I achieve so many things in life along with my main work.

My Achievements from 10 February to 5th May. Read books other than Physics which I have never done in my entire life, I have read three books completely,
1. The compound effect (280 pages)
2. Rich Dad Poor Dad (403 Pages)
3. The millionaire mindset (250 pages)
you may wonder, But I have just done this just investing of 30 minutes more often. It was the challenge to actually change the old habits, old perception about ideas. Now after just marginal changes in life I got some ultimate insight, which opens a whole new world in front of me. This little habit and the outcome makes me really confident, I can do anything, I can learn any skills in no time. Nothing is hard if we just do some marginal changes. By doing the right thing, one can achieve so many things, others can never dream of. COmpounding Always works. I couldn't focus for a minute, Now I can focus for a whole hour. It's the change in life you get after making some adjustment in your life.
I hope my little story may inspire you to read a little every day, and You will see the power of compounding in your life.


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