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How do I approach to solve any problem in Physics?

Problem Solving Skill

In one sentence, How do you solve sudoku? You will obviously say that if I am new, I start with easy-on, then move to medium and difficult one and become an expert on this game.Now if I ask, what did learn from easy level? You will say, well, First I learned the rules of filling it, then learned the way to remember the numbers from 1 to 9, and then, I figured out the little connection between them to fill up fast and then I practice enough and feel confident and therefore moved to the next level. More challenging more fun.

While you move to the Medium level, you discover, you need to think hard in order to find the connection and this difficulty even arises more and more while you jump to hard level. To make connections you have to think so much hard, you have to guess, and with enough practice, you become good at guessing the number quite close to the actual number. And the most important thing is, in this process, you never get bored, or afraid of the problem or you say I can’t do this. You start to enjoy the process, still, every puzzle is a pain in the arse.
You can easily see the shifting of attitude.Now, do the process in reverse, If you start with hard level, you would have never understood the process, neither you discovered how to think in order to make the proper connection, nor you could make any close guesses. And you would have frustrated and never would play this game again and you give the feedback, this game is the hardest game and don’t play it, or if someone plays well, you would have asked perpetually, How do you play this game, what are the strategy, how to think like a genius, and so on… And you would have never enjoyed it.Now you see the shift in attitude.

Now compare both shiftings in attitude, and tell me who is wrong or which process is wrong.You see, This is the attitude of every problem solver. Here there are only nine pieces and in physics let’s say there are 900 pieces.You have to think hard and start with easy steps.

Hey, do you know when I face any hard problem what do I do?I take it as a good challenge, think hard, for a long time. What do I think? I first think, How can I make this problem disintegrate in little easy problems. Since I know how to solve easy one, then gradually I add little parts and solve it, and then I see how to make it full realistic version.I use also the internet for the references, and look for a similar problem which has been solved by someone else, and read concepts carefully, follow the derivations, and my basics. If I do so, with little extra effort, I solve most of the problem by my self. If I still don’t get, I go to my friends, professor and so on.

The main thing is, I don’t afraid of problems neither frustration. I see the problem as an opportunity to learn something new.You can learn a new thing only if you are ready to fail, ready to grow, and ready cut loses your ego.

You are the biggest enemy between you and Physics. Your brain doesn’t want to solve problems, rather than keep you engage in this stupid question like, How to do this, How to become genius, How to solve problems, why something happens, why school is bad so on an so forth.These are good questions, but the fact is these are useless. I have faced these questions and searched the answer on the internet or some sources for years and years, it was just garbage.the real answer is, you want to solve the problem, everyday You get your head into the problem, shut your brain off from distraction, no more inside chattering. Just do the fucking job for a month.

And then tell, Can you solve the problem or not?????????????

I bet you will laugh if someone asks this kind of problem again. These are the question if you chase, you can never become a physicist. It’s more like a process, you have to first understand its rules, and then, solve research problems, and then you start thinking of ways how to solve the problems.If you are lucky, you will get the idea, which makes your dream come true.Don’t try to be someone else. Read about others, and be your own hero. You must possess your originality in thinking.

A great scientist becomes the character he posses. So, build your character. Rest you will become. 

Thank you 


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